La Safor

Its limits are framed in la Vall del Riu Vernissa (Valley of the Vernissa River) and we can find great diversity of natural landscapes of all kinds such as ravines, fountains, caves… Highlights include el Turó del Tramús and el Barranc del Riu Vernissa (Vernissa river ravine).

How to arrive
Des de València s’hi accedeix per la N-332 per a enllaçar amb la CV-686 i la CV-60.
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Festivities dedicated to Santa Úrsula are celebrated on October 21st and also the last week of August, when the celebration lasts four days, ending the last Saturday of the month. Sant Antoni's fest is celebrated on January 17th.

The population has a Muslim origin, clearly visible in the name of the place that means “the desert”. Its main monuments are l’Església de la Nostra Senyora (the Church of Our Lady), neoclassical, and el Castell de la Serra o de Vilella (the Castle of the Sierra or Vilella).

This refuge castle was raised by the Arabs and we can still see part of its rubble.

Gentilici: Almiseratina, almiseratino

Natural Resources:

  • Barranc de la Figuera
  • Barranc dels Magrells
  • Barranc del Castell
  • l’Assut d’Almiserà
  • Font de la Finestra