La Safor

First line of vigilance in front of the berber pirates, the most famous one was Red Beard.

How to arrive
Primitive use
Vigilance, defensive
Renancentist architecture

These towers are part of the protection system of the Valencian coast designed for the Kingdom of Valencia in 1528 in les Corts de Montsó, next to the coast guard and el Castell de Santa Anna in Oliva, configuring the main elements which La Safor relies on- Valldigna. Along the present province of Valencia were 13 towers.

Tavernes de la Valldigna, Xeraco i Piles formed a first line of surveillance against the Berber pirates, – the most famous of them was the Pirate Red Beard -, who sacked our lands with the help from unhappy moorish that inhabited the kingdom. The three towers are located very close to the beach and are currently surrounded by nature, becoming a very good tourist attraction.

La Torre de Tavernes de la Valldigna (the Tower of Tavernes de la Valldigna), la Torre de la Vall, is the tallest and most slender of the defense system and has a recreational area with tables, benches, fountains and public grills.

La Torre de Guaita de Xeraco, is surrounded by el riu Vaca (Vaca river) and la Marjal de la Safor. From this area you can enjoy one of the best views of el Mondúver, and a quiet walk on asphalted roads with very little traffic.

La Torre de Guaita from Piles was restored in 1986 by the Ministry of Culture of la Generalitat, which is today the best preserved in the region of La Safor. We can still enjoy its stairs and rooms that are inside.